Thursday, October 30, 2008

my name is james

i think these pictures sum up my day:
bobo insisted that it would be fun if jerry and i wore our halloween costumes to class, so we did. it was a lot of fun. jerry made a sign that said 'mr. banana'

bobo wore a cowboy hat and was all texasy :)
princess jerry. check out those chairs. they're at bobo's apartment complexjerry and i went to the japanese place next to bobo's to get the 'lunch box' (bian dang in chinese).
it was kind of funny though, i said 'i like your watch' to this old woman who was standing at the counter, and she started speaking really fast and making hand motions and the people who worked there said 'she's japanese..' and it was like oh MANNN what are the odds.

halloween was fun tonight at school. i was a princess, my coteacher was a maid, and allll of my kids were witches. we just played games and went around and collected candy from the other classes. i got to see my kindy class all dressed up, they were so cute. they're all girls so they were really enjoying my princess outfit.
and i went over to see mr. kuo and them while i was dressed up and they thought it was way too funny. amanda took pictures and she's supposed to email them to me so i'll post them when/if i get them.

going to bed!


Anonymous said...

Megan,reading your blog is always a bright spot on my day. What a great experience to have! Thanks for keeping me entertained and continually hungry. I love you. Aunt Pam

Its_Lily said...

already, I miss those lunch boxes. I loved the food - except for the fried deer meat and sea mushrooms on the island. Those were NOT yummy. It was so good to finally meet you and put a face and voice to the blog.